WEZ Matabeleland Donates for 2024

The Wildlife and Environment Society of Zimbabwe – Matabeleland Donates Stock Feed for 2024 to THF

Established in 1927, the Wildlife and Environment Society of Zimbabwe is a Private Voluntary Organisation with the mission: 

“To encourage and assist all people of Zimbabwe to understand the importance of wildlife and the environment and to conserve Zimbabwe’s natural resources for the wellbeing of current and future generations and to ensure that the utilisation of these natural resources is fair and sustainable”

THF is immensely grateful to WEZ Matabeleland for generously donating the stockfeed necessary to maintain our hoof stock for 2024. These animals range from domestic livestock, such as cattle, donkeys and goats to wild animals like bush pig, bushbuck, duiker, impala and sable. All of these animals have been rescued by THF over the years, and have been given a second chance at a new life.

Photo 1. Stock Feeds being delivered. | Photo 2. The Trianda feed Room full after a stock feed delivery in June 2024.

The dry season at Trianda, has begun very early this year as we received less than half of our normal annual rainfall between October 2023 and March 2024. This has led to a paucity of graze for Trianda’s residents, despite our intensive irrigation program. WEZ’s generous donation of stock feeds has enabled us to begin supplementally feeding all of our residents. At THF we believe every animal has a purpose, and at Trianda Farm, heart of our Rehabilitation program, all of the animals have a vital role to play in our holistic management plan. The presence of cattle is a vital management tool for tick control. While out grazing around the farm the cattle pick up any ticks, which are then brought back to the boma with the cattle and subsequently killed when the cattle are dipped. This has reduced the risk of tick-borne illnesses to all animals on Trianda. This is particularly important as the animals who are both resident and being rehabilitated at Trianda Farm are all rescues and have all been compromised in some way shape or form. Illnesses, that most animals would be able to fight off naturally can become life threatening to Trianda’s animals. Additionally, whilst the hoof stock are roaming Trianda each day, they are breaking up compacted patches of ground which aerates the soil and stimulates plant growth. Plant growth is further stimulated by grazing- as this encourages the grasses to produce more tillers. Both of these actions result in greater quality and quantity of graze for the wildlife.

Photo 3. The cattle enjoying their evening feed of hay, mealie chaff and beef finisher (stock feed)

The livestock perform a second vital function in our rehabilitation program- enrichment. Many species, will complete the last-phase of their rehabilitation process at Trianda farm before they are released back into the wild. Trianda provides a more natural space for a wide variety of species to build up their confidence and learn how to interact with other animals, of the same species and different species.

Photo 4. Hand-reared Genet Darby-Rose meets Iris the Bushpig for the first time | Photo 5. The hyenas watch keenly as the donkeys walk past

For more on the work we do as Tikki Hywood Foundation follow our community: https://www.instagram.com/tikkihywoodfoundation/

The WEZ’s full profile is available on: https://wezmat.org/

Reach out to us on, https://www.tikkihywoodfoundation.org/contact/ or read more on the foundation on https://www.tikkihywoodfoundation.org/about/

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